The One Marketing Strategy You Need to Succeed

queen tv Mar 02, 2021

Put the journal down. Put the course on pause. STOP...wait! Before you sign up for that next certification program.

And check yo’self.

Are you doing these...things...because you believe you “have to” do them or are “supposed to” do them or “should” do them to be successful?

This is the difference between taking ALIGNED action. 

And following the rules.

(I mean, didn’t you start building your business to NOT follow other people’s rules? Or is that just me?)

Having coached good-hearted, high-achieving, visionary leaders and entrepreneurs for the past 5 years, I have seen more entrepreneurs WILLINGLY give their souls over to the latest “guru” or “marketing strategy” just because someone positioned themselves strong enough to be in the space where…get this…

THEY make you believe THEY have the answer.

Heck, maybe even YOU believe that THEY have the answer...instead of YOU.

In your soul.


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How to Start a Business with $0 AND A BABY!

queen tv Mar 01, 2021

How to Start a Business With $0 AND A BABY!

Wanna start a business without any money AND you have a baby on the way or a family to support? This video will be shifting your mindset for your business and show you how to start a business from scratch with no money, and how to build a successful business and have a baby. If you’re a mompreneur, entrepreneur mom, or working mom and are looking for a real way to start your business with no money, I’m going to be shifting your mindset for success to show you all you need to know about creating a business and making a baby - and how they are practically the EXACT SAME THING.

To start a business, this entrepreneur mindset shift will help you make money in your business now. Watch this video and start building your business with no money (and with or without a baby), today!

#entrepreneurmindset #startingabusiness #buildyourempire #crownyourself



Shift from the solopreneur...

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The SECRET to making a business (and a Baby!)

queen tv Mar 01, 2021

How uncomfortable did that subject line make you feel? Because here’s the thing about creative energy - it can get you feeling uncomfortable. Vulnerable. Open. Raw. 

And, GASP! Clutch your pearls grandma...AUTHENTICALLY ALIGNED AND ALIVE!

That’s what sexual energy is.

Napoleon Hill called it “sexual transmutation” in his book, Think and Grow Rich.

And there is so much shame, societally, that we are taught to have around this sexual energy.

Because how often have you had an idea for a book or a movie or a business or a new strategy and you shared it with people and they thought…

It was no good.

Or it was too weird.

Or that it would never become anything.

And if you ACCEPT these perceptions, then suddenly you suppress your sexual energy with shame. 

There’s also so much CONFUSION that can happen around this sexual, creative energy.

This is the same energy that makes people think they are in love in the workplace when they are working...

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7 Entrepreneurship Lessons from Elders' React Rock (aka MY DAD!!)

queen tv Feb 22, 2021

7 Entrepreneurship Lessons from Elders' React Rock (aka MY DAD!!)

From the Fine Brothers’ Elders React to 40+ years of lessons in entrepreneurship growing a business in Los Angeles, my dad, Rock MacKenzie Gritz, taught me many entrepreneurship tips...all while my dad was an addict. 

While you may know him from FineBros, this video gives you a behind-the-elder look at my dad’s entrepreneurship advice to growing a multi-million dollar business, and if you’re looking for help in setting boundaries in relationships, how to forgive your parents, how to be more generous, how to grow your business in your zone of genius, or how to go from solopreneur to CEO, this video will show you the life and entrepreneurship lessons that my dad taught me during his life.

Sign up for your FREE Heal Your Money Beliefs Masterclass + Workbook here

#entrepreneurshipadvice #growingabusiness #moneymindset #crownyourself


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Finding the Courage to Youtube

queen tv Feb 22, 2021

OMG! OMG! It’s here. It’s out. It’s live. It’s freaking scary. It’s freaking happening. It’s freaking done.

There’s no going back now.

Because that is what happens every time you up-level - every time you grow beyond your current capacity.

You change who you are at your core.

It’s your choice to decide...

To choose...

You choose how life changes you.

As Holocaust survivor, Victor Frankl says, “Between cause and effect there is a space, a gap to choose your reaction.” 


For in his passing, I was contacted by THOUSANDS of his fans from Elders React. 

They shared memories and moments of how through that viral show, he brought them so much joy. 

For many, he was the grandpa they had wished they had.

For others, he was just “that crazy guy” on Youtube...


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